
How to prepare for your (many) interviews rotc senior service academies

As a rising senior, you will soon be required to go through several interview panels over the next few weeks. 

For example, if you’re applying to a service academy, you will interview with your assigned liaison officer for your preferred branch of service.

  • Admissions Liaison Officer (Air Force)
  • Blue & Gold Officer (Navy)
  • Field Force Rep (West Point)

…or maybe more than one if you’re applying to several service academies.  

You will also have an...

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Campus life: Service Academies vs. ROTC junior rotc service academies

In today’s post, I compare service academy life to ROTC life. 

While this comparison will lump all of these programs together, understand that not all service academies or all ROTC programs are created equal. 

Just as West Point, Air Force Academy, Naval Academy, Coast Guard Academy, and Merchant Marine Academy, all have their differences…so do ROTC experiences at Fordham, Princeton and Texas Tech. 

Take this overview with a grain of salt and use it to better...

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What is a nomination? junior service academies

In today’s post, I want to make sure you know the difference between a “nomination” and an “appointment” to a service academy. These terms can sometimes be confusing and are often used interchangeably.


When you apply to a service academy (with the exception of the Coast Guard Academy), you must receive what’s called a nomination

Nominations are pre-screening tools used by the service academies to help them make admissions...

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Why are West Point Cadets happier than Stanford Business School students? junior service academies

This week, I wanted to share a story that reveals a lot about why so many service academy graduates feel such affection toward their college experience despite its rigors and hardships. 

You may have heard of a gentleman named Jim Collins. Jim Collins is a world-renowned speaker, thinker, and management guru. He is also a professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He has started companies, written books, and advised some of the most influential leaders in the world. 


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